CHCA - News stock footage, 2003
CHCA Television
Commerce and industry
Family and personal life
Health services
Law and justice
Politics and government
News from Red Deer and area - NH 21Content Warning: Murder, suicide, pedophilia00:51 - Surveillance video - Running on Empty. Man shot outside store. RCMP - suspect unknown. Deliberate attack? Gang violence initiation?02:36 - Running on Empty shooting. Similar content to 00:51. Forensic evidence located. Shooter stalked target.04:45 - Crime Spree - Police cars speeding down 55 Street. Robbery at Corner Store on 55 Street. Held up by two suspects with knives. Happened at 1:00 pm06:19 - undercover drug investigator talks about marijuana decriminalization will be a cause for increase crime. Kevin Sproule, Defense lawyer, Constable McKinnon08:18 - Ed Sommerville, teacher at Lindsay Thurber High School. One on One is hard to provide to students. Bargaining for fair settlements. School board has tight budget. Mary Anne Jablonski - limited money10:16 - Olds Auction Mart - sale cut short. Dave Bricker expected to sell his cows but news of Mad Cow disease sent them home11:34 - Steve Mulaney - Alberta beef is world class.World markets are shutting down Canadian exports of beef. Earl's Restaurant, owner interviewed13:11 - Ray de Palme's farm In 1993 one of his cows tested positive for Mad Cow disease. His entire herd - 302 cattle - lethally injected, tested, then incinerated. The original cow came from the UK. This time, unsure where the infected cow originated from15:16 - Blair Vold Auction Mart. Will not shut down the system. Cattle can be sold in the country. Glen Armitage cannot buy new stock as he cannot sell the old stock. Have to wait for the borders to open up.17:22 - Jack Daines - best beef is Alberta beef. Innisfail Auction Mart - he says Mad Cow is being blown out of proportion. Premier Ralph Klein - one diseased cow of 5.2 million Alberta cows. Positive publicity needed19:12 - Byron Douglas Harpold was found with child pornography on his computer, Rocky Mountain House. Interview with parents. Harpold refuses to answer reporter questions21:01 - Three teenage girls - 14 and 15, are accused of attempted murder of 5 teens due to a slushie laced with copper 2 sulfate. They could face adult charges. Hoping for a deal by June 26th22:55 - Sherry [DeMaeo] - using time outs. Not spanking. Spanking on trial at the Supreme Court as a human rights issue. Joanne Walton, Central Alberta Women's Emergency Centre. Violence leads to more violence24:44 - Jack Daines, only selling 300 cows per week. Cattle industry will continue to hurt until the borders open26:02 - Glen O'Neil, world champion bronc rider and Central Alberta rancher. Beef ban. Innisfail27:24 - Jeff Sloychek [Sloychek], bisexual. Wants the choice to marry a man or woman. Courts are forcing Federal government to redefine marriage. Same-sex marriage should be allowed. Reverend Paul Valley, do not change the law. Ralph Klein - same-sex marriage will never be legal in Alberta29:16 - Danni and Amanda, same-sex couple, want the opportunity to marry should they choose. Ontario legally recognizes same-sex marriage. Mark Green, Reverend at Untied Church - same-sex marriage should be legal. Mary Anne Jablonski - marriage reserved for a man and a woman31:00 - Dani [Danni][Talyk], chairperson for Pride on Campus. Would like Mayor to proclaim a Pride day in Red Deer. Petition circulating to stop a Pride day in Red Deer. Mayor Surkan - undecided as of yet32:43 - Farm east of Three Hills, damage from grasshoppers. Jim Hugo - not enough moisture to kill the grasshoppers34:20 - Jeff Sloychek, bisexual. Wants to be accepted. Gail Surkan compromised with Diversity Day instead of Pride day. Dr. Bill Gaetz [Gates], disagrees with homosexual and bisexual lifestyle. Scripture does not condone it. Should promote a traditional family unit.36:11 - Michener Centre Administration struck by lightning. Michael Dawe talks about history of building. Doreen Mumby - her office is on the third floor.38:04 - still image of Sonya Weeks. Rave. Pills being poured on a tale. RCMP member with face not shown talking about uncontrolled creation of pills (ecstasy) [Sonya Weeks, age 19, died June 15, 2003 at Red Deer due to bad Ecstasy]39:01 - First same sex couple to be legally married in Canada - Michael Leshner and Michael Stark. Reverend Bill Gates [Gaetz] disagrees. Callers on Tanya Herman show40:30 - Three Sylvan Lake girls charged with attempted murder, deal put forward, guilty pleas to conspiracy, criminal negligence and theft. Defense lawyer Clinton Yarshenko, not agreed to deal yet42:21 - Stolen items at a Red Deer residence. Crime spree - substantial stolen property. Second property included drugs. Several arrests have been made44:03 - SUV and police cruiser crash. RCMP Buck Buchanan. Ross Street and 30 Avenue. Collision recreation45:10 - Hell's Angels first arrived in Alberta 6 years ago. Hell's Angels from across the country expected to be in Red Deer for a few days passing through to White Rock. RCMP monitoring. RCMP officer Cervi47:00 - Hells Angels. Quebec chapter in Red Deer. RCMP officer Cervi. RCMP building intelligence - new members, promotions48:33 - Tracy McBeth, Springbrook. Speeding in a 30 km zone. Concerned residents. RCMP - when radar leaves the problem resumes. McBeth concerned about deaths50:18 - Jessie Greenspark - hydrochloric acid clouds from Edgar Industrial Park business San Source. Valve malfunction52:20 - Big Sugar, interview with Gordie Johnson, lead singer, lives in Red Deer area54:52 - RCMP helicopter over Central Alberta. RCMP Buck Buchanan, searching for stolen vehicle. Increase in vehicle theft56:37 - Dianne Bowman, car stolen in Red Deer. RCMP Constable Sue Godfrey - 9 stolen vehicles per day. RCMP Buck Buchanan58:44 - STARS Air Ambulance. Wendy Wadden, Rocky Mountain House, interviewed. STARS saved her life1:00:33 - Double murder suicide. Betty Fekete had spent time at the Women's Shelter. RCMP received a number of complaints from the family. [September 28, 2003, Red Deer - Josef Fekete killed his wife Blagica and their three year old son before killing himself1:01:58 - tape ends
Hixt, Nancy
2003 - Creation Date
2018-10-31 - Digitization Date
1 videocassette (1:01:58) : col. Betacam SP
1 video file (1:01:58) : col., .mov
MG 574 CHCA Television fonds
Created by CHCA TV in Red Deer and stored at the station until its closure in the fall 2009.
Red Deer, Alberta
Copyright assigned to Archives